
Copywriter: Nelle Thomas, Stacey Edwards Art Directors: Maggie Lalor, Kenzie Storrier, Mobs Robertson, Cas Albertson


People know Lids as a hat store. I mean, it’s in the name. But spoiler alert: Lids sells jerseys too. Lids asked us to not only create a campaign letting people know that they sell jerseys, but also repositioning the brand from sportswear to streetwear.

In this campaign we worked with “Hip-Hop’s most trusted photographer” Cam Kirk to elevate the voices of five streetwear authenticators. These young creatives were given Lids jerseys and challenged to style them in their own unique ways. They they modeled for Cam and became the faces of not only all print, in-store, social, and more, but also the subjects of our mini-series. Make Them Look is a statement about personal style, confidence, and culture.

